
Friday, February 13, 2009

Sentimental Find

I thought I was going to OD on nostalgia when I spotted these books in the book box at the recycling center. These reading books are what I used in elementary school. There were several copies of two of the books, so I grabbed them for my sister and brother too. I don't remember in which grades they were used. Doesn't matter, it was thrilling to find them.

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and visit my childhood, for just a little while.


Beautiful~Mallory said...

That's really neat...I love to find stuff that reminds me of my childhood, finding stuff like that just takes ya back!!!

Leasa said...

OMG! Thanks for getting extra copies :-) I remember a story that was in the third one to the right and it was about space. I have wished that I could see those books again and here they are.
How neat!

sweetlittlelife said...

How neat! You are so nice!